Our customer promise is Visible change. A visible change means that our skill development and career services have a distinct goal.
Rastor-instituutti's services of developing skills and employment will transform objectives to everyday activities, and everyday activities to outcomes in the bottom line.
We offer training for the turning points of working life by enhancing know-how, help getting employed, refreshing skills and guiding towards new areas of expertise. We help in renewing with changes in work and working life by offering learning experiences and career opportunities that change the direction of life.
We offer companies with know-how enhancing programmes as well as employment and career services and courses, degrees and training programmes, and training for adults in different stages of the careers.
With Rastor-instituutti you can enhance your skills as the professionals of the following fields, among others:
We have trained adults since 1930. This is something we know how to do. So come and grow to your full professional measure with us!
Training and career services for both individuals and companies
With our services in skill enhancement and employment, we are making Finland the leading country in work productivity and well-being.
We offer learning experiences and career opportunities that change the direction of life, and improve company growth. Rastor-instituutti is also an in-service trainer and organises official vocational degrees of the Finnish National Board of Education. In addition, we implement employment services for companies in need of skilled work force.
Rastor-instituutti employs approximately 150 passionate reformers of working life.
It serves its customers nationwide, and has locations in Espoo, Kuopio, Oulu, Tampere and Turku.